I offer different packages to suit different needs.
The Baby Queen Program.
This program is for all the young women out there that are ready to grow into the best versions of themselves. Adult life is just starting out, and the world is full of possibilities for you! A very exciting, but also confusing and maybe a little scary time in your life.
After our initial conversation, we’ll start mapping out what areas are the most important for you at this point in your life. From my experience, learning how to set healthy boundaries, befriending your body & anchoring your self worth in your core are good places to start.
We will dive into the world of meditations, energy work and learn how to raise and maintain your vibration. As a high-sensitivity woman myself, I have several tricks on how to take on a room full of people, swift the energy and stay in your power.
If its something you desire, we will also start working towards a health-conscious daily routine. I offer both nutritional, self-care and fitness programs, targeted meditations, dance practices and other explorative methods to help you along your journey.
Let's explore who you want to become and make sure that you enjoy the way there!
One 90 min session a week for 3 months
2 check up calls and texts weekly
Investment: $ 888
The Clearing the Path Program
Do you know where you are going, but not exactly how to get there?
A lot of us are entertaining self-sabotaging behaviours for several different reasons. This can look like overthinking, procrastination, negative self talk, aiming for perfection or simply just having too many things on our plate.
I have several great ways to support you in becoming the most efficient and present version of yourself. We will discover what projects and areas are the most aligned with your souls purpose and break them down into smaller steps to get you on the right road leading to where you want to go.
Sometimes we just need a sister to hold us accountable. Together we will work on several different planes to get you into being and living in a flow state. All while tapping into the wisdom and power of your body, mind and soul connection, providing you with direct feedback and adjusting your course accordingly.
One 60 min session per week for 2 months
Brief check up calls and texts 3 times a week
Pricing: $ 777
The I Need an Upgrade Program
This is a targeted nutrition and fitness lifestyle change. Together we will get clear on your why’s, where you want to go and what pace is the most suitable for you.
You will get access to recipes, detox and exercise programs, mindfulness practices and email support and check ins several times a week. All this will be targeted to your body and souls individual needs, of course.
One 90 min session
4 check in calls or texts a week for 4 months
Investment: $ 222
The Tune in to Tune Up Program
This is a 90 min journey we take together to get you closer to your soul and realign you with the highest possible vibration.
Maybe you are just curious about the future might hold? It's true as its said that whatever actions we take today creates our future, but the tarot cards do have hints on how to make the most of it.
The Tune Up includes a soul and life tarot reading + three additional questions plus recommended meditations and changes based on your reading.
One 70 min session
Investment: $ 77
The Heartbreak Hotel Program
We all go through times in life when we feel completely broken. This is my go to package after a trauma such as a loss from death, the end of a relationship or another life altering event. It might not feel like it, but there are ways that can help you find the courage and strength to get yourself on a more positive path.
Sometimes in life we get so stuck that we are almost paralysed. It seems like we cannot remember who we are or how we got here. It seems as we cannot even remember what life was like when we were free, happy or even content.
In these times, we need some light, some inspiration, some hope, some clarity, some support and some guidance. We need to be both accepted exactly for who and where we are. But we also need to take some steps forward. However, we can’t get clear on what step, how to take it or even summon the courage to take it because we’re so full of doubt, shame, anger, resentment, or despair.
I got you! You will learn some positive practices for nurturing and renewing yourself, exercises in self-care, self-love, self-acceptance and be provided with direction on how to keep filling yourself up.
One 60 min session a week for 2 months
Daily checkins with messages
Investment: $ 777
The KING Program
This is for all the men out there that feel they need a little direction on where to go and how to be their best self. As with all my other programs, we’ll have a talk and narrow down what seems to be holding you back from stepping into your best self. Maybe you need help to find your inherent self-worth, add more meaning to your life or break an unhealthy relationship pattern.
Maybe you want to amp up your self-care, workout or supplement routine. Or it can be as simple as changing your ways to be more appealing and successful on the dating scene.
Whatever it is, I got you! I’m surrounded by kings that have helped me understand what it is that makes a real man, even though all of them are different. That and my female perspective, of course. Are you ready to step into yourself to be able to con step out into the world as a true king?
One 60 min session a week for 3 months
Weekly checkins via text
Investment: $ 666
The Detox My Life Program
Overwhelmed with all the information out there about GMOS and toxic chemicals that are all around us? Or maybe you just had a baby and want to make sure you do what you can to keep them healthy and their future planet as green as possible? Trust me, I have been all up in the eco-worry. This is why I started my sustainable lifestyle blog Life of Mjau more than 6 years ago.
In this program I will assist you in detoxifying your life. Step by step we will go through everything from cleaning products, your skincare + makeup routine to your fridge and pantry and any other area of concern to you. Be sure that you will come out of this with all the resources, knowledge and swaps you need to make to be living your long life as toxic-free and clean as possible!
Three 60 min sessions
Text and email support where I answer any questions you might have
Investment: $ 333
The Transition Time Program
This program is for anyone who needs support and guidance during an important transition in life. It either started or is about to, or maybe you need someone to take your hand to get you started.
Frist we will do some self discovery and reflection work to get clear on where you need to go and the best way to get you there.
Over the course of our work, you will be supported, encouraged, and reminded of your best self, your values, and the most meaningful outcomes you want to create. I will provide you with the tools you need to work steadily towards your goal by yourself.
Includes in between session email support/access, brief check in calls.
10 Coaching Sessions Over 4 Months
Investment: $ 1111
Do I offer a sliding price scale or different payment options?
Of course I do.
I am a coach to help people become the best versions of themselves. I have been low and broke and in desperate need of help. So for compassionate reasons, I can offer some individuals a modest to significant discount depending on the circumstances.
Please ask about this in advance of our consultation if you’re interested in coaching but know you can’t afford the prices I’m stating on my webpage.
If the amounts I am stating are doable, but you rather pay it in portions, this is also an option I am open to.
Send me a message and let’s try and work something out!